Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Legalization of Pot

                Recently, Colorado started selling marijuana after it being legalized. Within the first day of it being on the market, the industry profited one million dollars. Imagine the profit after one week, one month, and one year. Imagine how this can help the economy.

                Of course, with the legalization of a “drug,” comes the critics. Especially from Fox “News,” especially douche canoe Bill O’Reilly who compared the usage of pot to playing Russian Roulette, but we all know when playing Russian Roulette, you have the chance of dying, while there are no record death from marijuana users. More people are killed yearly by ants then pot. Ants are more dangerous then pot. But that is not where Bill O’Reilly stopped; he then compared it to texting because apparently texting is an addiction too.

                That is right! Douche Canoe O’Reilly claims that texting is a dangerous addiction that can kill and hurt our youth. It makes us get lost and lose reality an motivation to do anything because you are so busy trying to text your friend to tell him about the funny conversation you had with another friend that included something you said about your other friend who just had the best text convo with your other friend who is dating and texted your other friend. Douche Canoe O’Reilly was so adamant about this that he had on a “psychologist” who was adamant texting was destroying today’s youth, just like pot. (I but psychologist in quotes because I know actual psychologists who definitely disagree with him when he claims texting is the worst thing to hit today’s youth besides pot, drugs, and Obama.) there was also a Ph.D who worked at a university in New York who was so confused by O’Reilly bringing on the other guy and had no idea how to respond to the “psychologist’s” rant on texting.

                The thing is when it comes to marijuana; it is not a dangerous drug. It mellows you out and as long as you don’t go into a situation that result in bodily harm, something you wouldn’t do while drinking alcohol, you will be fine. Don’t drive, don’t decide to play with your gun, don’t operate heavy machinery, and don’t decide to juggle chainsaws or fireballs. Don’t do anything frowned upon when drinking legal alcohol which can kill you.

                Alcohol is completely legal. People drink it all the time and it is more dangerous than marijuana. When drinking, people tend to get so drunk they do stupid things and can get violent, of course you have the happy drunks and over sexual drunks that you can see in Danisnotonfire’s video about the five kinds of drunks, but when people get drunk, a lot tend to do some stupid and illegal things like get in bar fights and beat up people and even rape. I am not saying ban alcohol or that people don’t do stupid things while stoned, but they tend to be less dangerous and more chill then some drunks.  They are more chilled out and get the munchies. I bet you pizza places in Colorado is booming right now with all the people stoned getting the munchies.  If people decide to get drunk on holidays and weekends, what is honestly the difference if someone wants to smoke a joint? As long as they aren’t operating heavy machinery or doing it in public, what is exactly the problem?

                I live in Washington State, marijuana is now legal here although we haven’t started selling it yet, and that is still a work in progress. Since the legalization of marijuana, police officers can stop arresting people for smoking a joint and focus on more dangerous crimes like that guy down the street that thinks his wife is his personal slave and when dinner isn’t cooked when he gets home, she deserves to be knocked around. They can go after rapists and actual dangerous drug rings like meth, cocaine, and heroine. As long as you are of the legal age of 21, what is bad with smoking marijuana and it being legalized? It will help the economy, give people jobs and let the police go after dangerous criminals, so please, Douche Canoe Bill O’Reilly and the rest of Fox “News” and conservatives against it, calm your tits and realize it isn’t dangerous and it isn’t a gateway drug to heroine, cocaine and meth. It is totally fine if it is legalized. 

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