Saturday, August 1, 2015

Open Letter To Walter Palmer

Open Letter to Walter Palmer

I am not going to start this off by calling you names and wishing you death. This won’t get us anywhere. Instead, I am going to be civil when I ask you the following questions.

Hunting is something I hate, but understand. Although I am a city girl, my father grew up on a farm in Montana. When he was in college, he went hunting to help him feed himself something besides ramen. But he shot deer. He ate the meat of the deer he shot. He didn’t leave it to rot. Hunting to feed yourself is something I understand. If you use all of the animal, you aren’t just killing to kill. That leads me to my questions.

Why did you feel the need to kill a beautiful, nearly endangered lion? Whether you thought the hunt was legal or not, why did you feel the need to hunt a lion? You aren’t eating the meat, you just shot it with an arrow, let him bleed for forty hours and then finally put the poor animal out of its misery. Why? What is so appealing about hunting a lion? I don’t know what else you hunt besides lions and the other pictures available online which include a majestic cheetah, and a beautiful rhinoceros. I also heard a rumor you wanted to kill an elephant. Can you somehow explain it to me why you feel the need to kill those animals?

Does it make you feel like a man? In order to feel strong do you have to end the life of an animal? But not just any animal, one that is nearly endangered and one of the most majestic things in the world. Do you need to kill a beautiful animal and skin it and behead it for a trophy to feel tough and manly? How is killing an animal with a bow or gun even fair? If you are doing it to feel tough, then why do you use an unfair weapon. Why not use a spear? That is the only fair way to go after a lion. That would be a fair fight. That would be proving you are a man. Shooting one with a bow, after luring it out of the park it lived in, then shooting it is not manly, it is cowardly.

So maybe next time you feel the need to show your friends that you are a man, that you are tough and big, do it without murdering an innocent animal that you aren’t using the meet for. Do it without shooting it with an arrow and letting it bleed for forty hours, and without baiting it away from its home. Instead go take some supplies as many or as little as you want and go living in the woods for a while. Live off the land. Go chop some wood, or catch a fish, gut it and eat it. Do something with nature that isn’t murdering an animal for sport and trophy.

Just do something that doesn’t end the life of a majestic creature for sport, because when you do, you are not a man.  You are a coward, and that is all you will ever be. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Not Heritage, Just Hate

I was born and raised in the North. I am a Seattleite and Washingtonian through and through. I have only been to Orlando, Florida when it comes to the South.

With that being said, I was raised in an area that never had a confederate flag and was only seen in History books. With it being in history books, I knew what it meant. It was the flag adopted by the confederacy in the civil war. The Civil War was fought when the Southern States committed a mass act of treason by seceding from the union when Abraham Lincoln was elected, many due to the fact that they were afraid Lincoln was going to abolish slavery. The War was fought to bring the union back together.

The confederate flag has nothing to do with rebellion unless you want to consider the treasonous act of succession rebellion and in that way, being proud of that heritage is nothing to be proud of.
According to, when it comes to the states of Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, and Mississippi, slavery was definitely a reason to succeed. For all states but South Carolina, it is listed overwhelmingly as the reason to succeed. Lincoln’s election is also listed but not as much and state’s rights is only decent percentage in South Carolina. Reasons stated are that the North was reluctant to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, Texas expressed dissatisfaction with federal military protection and Georgia accused the Northern manufacturing interests of exploiting the south and dominating the federal government.

It is time to end the myth that this war was started and fought for state’s rights when in reality, it was because people didn’t want slavery to end. They didn’t want to stop owning people and treating them worse than the dirt under their shoes. There is nothing to be proud of when it comes to the confederacy. They committed and act of treason and fought to keep human beings enslaved. There is no pride in that. If you are proud of that being your heritage, then you have issues. I have a lot of German heritage when I dig back enough. There is no doubt in my mind that I have relatives that were Nazi’s. That would be my heritage. You don’t me going around with a fucking swastika saying “it’s my heritage, not hate!” when the only thing the swastika represents in the west is Nazi Germany and all the Jews, gypsy’s, handicapped and gays that were murdered by Hitler’s regime. If I want to be proud of my German heritage, then I shouldn’t be proud of one of the most heinous acts in modern history. I should be proud of great things that came from Germany like gummy bears, great beer, or pretzels. Not the genocide of innocent human beings and everything that happened because of Hitler.

If you want to be proud of being from the South, then that’s great. It’s where you are from. I sure am proud and love the region I call home. Since Starbucks, Nirvana and Chris Pratt are from Seattle (Chris Pratt is actually from the same suburb North of Seattle that I am from) I usually use those as symbols of my love for the Puget Sound. Be proud of the good things that have happened in your area. Why use a flag that stands for treason and the enslavement of innocent people when you could be proud of corn bread, all the food that apparently can be fried and your sweet tea. Literally anything that does not have to do with slavery, even if it is country music that you are proud of. You guys gave us Aziz Ansari, Jennifer Lawrence, Ellen DeGeneres and the flawless Stephen Colbert. Be proud of that, not the enslavement of a race.   

Germany does not glorify the Nazi era. Swastika’s along with other Nazi era stuff is illegal in Germany. I am not saying outlaw the Confederate flag even with as much as I hate it. But know that Germany sees Nazism and everything that happened as a dark time in history and are ashamed of it. It lead to genocide. Slavery may not have been genocide, but it was horrific enough to be known as a tragedy and one of the worst in the United States history. Don’t be proud of an era where people owned human beings. Don’t be proud of a flag that represents that. It’s awful.

And for those of you who claim that as history, it shouldn’t be removed from the capital, you need to understand that it wasn’t always there after the war. After the Confederacy surrendered, they folded up the flags and they were put away.  It made its comeback when the civil rights movement started and when people were rebelling against the president in 1948. 1958, the year my father was born, it was made a crime in South Carolina to desecrate the confederate flag. In 1961 on the 100 year anniversary of For Sumter it was hoisted above the capitol. Not only this, but it made its comeback during the civil rights movement to protest integration and black Americans gaining the exact same rights as white Americans.

Did you know that in Europe in places where the swastika is illegal, the confederate flag is flown instead? That is because it has this evil history to it. A history of slavery and treason. There is nothing to be proud of when it comes to that.

I am not saying it should be outlawed like the Swastika. I do believe in free speech, but that flag should not be on government property. It’s great they took it down in South Carolina. I personally don’t think anyone should have it at all but free speech exists. Just understand that when you are flying that flag, it doesn’t represent “southern pride,” or “heritage not hate” it is representing treason and the enslavement of an entire race, and if you are proud of that, then fuck you, you are what’s wrong with this country and why I am moving to Iceland.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Josh Duggar Is A Child Molester

I always knew there was something wrong with that family. No one acts that perfect when they aren’t trying to hide something. But I never thought it was this bad.

As much as I can’t stand the Duggar family and see them as annoying hypocrites who are one of the many reasons we can’t have good things such as LGBT equality and just the acceptance of people despite their differences, I would never wish for this to happen to that family or any family. I am not talking about having a child molester for a son, (although I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone either) but I am talking about having your own children sexually violated, especially at a young age. This is just sad, but it gets ever worse.

If you know me, I hate two kinds of criminals the most, Molesters/Rapists and terrorists. I think they are the scum of the earth and deserve punishment. (Terrorists if not lone wolves with the death penalty). Josh Duggar fits into the first category. He molested five girls at age 14 and some were significantly younger than him and most were his own sisters. Yes. Josh Duggar, Mr. Conservative Christian who hates the LGBT Community, pre-marital sex, and women’s right to choose molested his own sisters. He acts all high and mighty when being against the LGBT community and hating them when he did something way worse. All a gay couple did was love each other, that hurts no one. Josh Duggar did hurt someone. He hurt five young girls. How is that anywhere near okay? Reports say his father did turn him in, but that was after a year of knowing and after they sent him to a treatment program. They didn’t sent him to a treatment program, they sent him to a family friend to help renovate homes for a few months. As someone who is interested in psychology and how the human mind works, does research and does happen to watch Criminal Minds at least twice a week knows that that is not counseling. I also know it is not exactly something someone just decides to do, it has to do with the way their brain is wired, but that never makes it okay and it is never an excuse since they do have the choice whether to follow the way their brains are wired. It is a fact that “some pedophiles will suffer through their lives without hurting a single child.[1]” But the thing that I am trying to get at is that simply sending Josh Duggar to do house renovation for a few months is not going to “cure” him and neither is praying. If they took him to an actual therapist that specialized in helping with those urges, he could have gotten help. It definitely would have taken longer than a few months and would have been hard, but it could have helped. Instead, his parents lied when saying that they sent him and his victims to counseling when they didn’t.

The hypocrisy of this family irks me almost as much as the fact that they didn’t get their son the help he needs and put his needs over his victims. This is a family that makes a living off of preaching Jesus and putting down everyone who doesn’t believe their bigoted belief system. Josh made a living speaking against gay marriage and gay adoption saying that is damaging to children when in reality, it doesn’t and what he did is what actually hurt children. His mother called transgender people predators when in reality her son is predator who hurt her children. HER CHILDREN! Any mother would do anything to protect her children and do what it takes to keep them safe from a predator but she didn’t. She sent him away to renovate homes and didn’t send him to the counseling he would need. They are acting like praying to God fixes everything and made everything better. She claims her son made a mistake, but a mistake is when I put a shirt back on the wrong rack at work, what he did was a crime and they are not treating him like someone who commited one. People are acting like this is something that can easily be forgiven and hasn’t hurt people, yet they hate LGBT individuals and act rudely towards people that don’t follow their beliefs. This family, including Josh act like they are the perfect Christians when they have done something very unchristian like. People like Mike Huckabee are supporting Josh Duggar since Josh confessed to it. He and other conservatives are willing to forgive a child molester who molested his own sisters since he confessed yet they still continue not to see the LGBT community as non-predators when they haven’t hurt anyone.

What makes this worse is that along with putting Josh first is the fact that the daughters weren’t given the proper treatment, is the fact that they used victim blaming. It was released online what chart Michelle uses in her homeschooling when it comes to sexual abuse. One of the things is “Why did God let this happen” and four options given are immoral dress, indecent exposure, being out from protection of parents and being with evil friends. The ages of the victims ranged from 4-12. No child that age or anyone in general is responsible for getting sexually assaulted. It is the person who does it who is to blame. There is even a section saying “if abused was not at fault.” This is only helping rape culture with the victim blaming, but anyone who says a child is responsible for being abused is someone who has no business raising children, being around children or being in a position or responsibility and power, let alone be a public figure with influence.

This whole thing is just awful. Not just the molestation but how it was handled. How the parents knew and said they would discipline him themselves but didn’t, the girls never got the proper help needed when having to deal with molestation, it went on for years and church elders apparently knew and when the police were going to do an investigation they lawyered up and then the statute of limitations expired. His wife knew and now they have one daughter and another child on the way potentially putting her in danger since once a molester, always a molester.

This family has the nerve to say gay marriage is America’s greatest threat when Josh molested children. It just shows that this life they live is not only hypocritical but damaging. This family deserves for their show to be yanked and for their fame to go away. You don’t get to act perfect, condemn others for just being who they are when they didn’t hurt anyone, and then do something a hundred times more awful then everything you denounce and hate.

Josh Duggar and the rest of the family needs to crash and burn and never recover. Their time of fame and “preaching” needs to end and people who are decent human beings need to take their place in the media. Stop writing about them, write about great people that the world needs more people like. Bill Nye or Neil deGrasse Tyson are amazing, smart human beings and the world needs more people like them. Focus on them and their endeavors to teach the world science. Focus on the two girls I look up to most in the world, Nadya Tolokonnikova and Masha Alyokhina of Pussy Riot. Those two girls stood up to Vladimir Putin and are still fighting for prisoners’ rights after they were mistreated in prison. They are out there speaking out and being amazing human beings who are not letting Putin’s sentencing them to hooliganism stop them. Make these human beings and people like them more famous and stop it with the anti-gay hypocrites whose son molested his own sisters and the family tried to cover it from the media and didn’t help their own daughters and instead worried about their son instead.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

People Are Saying 5 Seconds of Summer can save Pop Punk, But Is That True?

                I honestly have no idea when I first heard of this band, all I know it that the people who liked them were obsessed. Like obsessed, a girl I go to school with literally stayed up all night so she could download their new single. My first thought was probably “5 Seconds of Summer? That is probably the worst band name since Nickelback or Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.” All I knew at the time was they were Australian, their faces did not look hideous (this is my way of saying someone is good looking, that and “decent looking”) they had tattoos (something I find very attractive) and piercings (another thing I find very attractive) they were a four piece band and opened for One Direction. The One Direction thing is what got me thinking, oh, they must be a pop band that sounds just like everything else in the world and somehow was different enough to get people to notice them.

When I heard it was a band of four boys who share vocal abilities, I instantly thought, “oh, it’s like a male Cherri Bomb,” but Cherri Bomb’s debut album had songs that didn’t blend together.  Yes, a few breakup songs like Heart Is A Hole along with Better This Way but both are different, one is saying “I admit I miss your face/but it’s better this way” and the other saying “now that you’re gone/my soul’s turned cold/nothing to fill this heart that’s a hole” they aren’t “baby come back” songs, but instead “It’s better this way” or “yeah, that sucked, my heart feels like a hole.” Other songs can be seen as non-romantic relationships like “Too Many Faces,” “Paper Doll,” “Sacrificial Lamb,” “Act The Part” and “Drawing a Blank” because “you say you will never go that far/ you’re not who you say you are/ you’ve got your heart in too many places/ you’ve got too many, too many faces” you’ve got “I’m not here to break your fall/ I won’t be your paper doll,” along with “now I’m drawing a blank” and “you don’t understand/close off shut down/sacrificial lamb” and then there are songs are their album that don’t appear to be about any human interaction/relationships at all, like “Raw. Real” (this is life, this is death/this is right, this is breath/this is true, how I feel/ this is raw, this is real) “Shake The Ground” (I won’t do what I’m told/ I will break you down/take you down/shake the ground) and “Let It Go” (it won’t die/this dream’s alive/and I won’t let it go) Cherri Bomb’s album isn’t all about some boy or romantic relationships, it has different songs with different meanings involving life and the people in it.

Now when it comes to 5 Seconds of Summer, their debut album consists of 12 songs that are either love songs or a song about wanting a girl back. The first song is actually decent. I heard it when my mom was watching the Billboard Music Awards. I will admit it is catchy and a nice song and then I noticed one of them looked like he was a young Billie Joe Armstrong. Even me, a cynical bitch who hates the world and all who inhabits it and would rather be watching Seth Rogan and James Franco kill Kim Jong-Un or my personal favorite thing, Star Trek likes a love song every once in a while. I enjoy Boys Like Girls “Hero/Heroine” along with Halestorm’s “Beautiful With You” and Rise Against’s “Swing Life Away” and my personal favorite “With You” by Sum 41 but I can’t listen to love songs nonstop, I will punch something. It goes that way with break up songs, I can enjoy stuff like Avril Lavigne’s “My Happy Ending” and Flyleaf’s “So I Thought” along with The Pretty Reckless’ “Make Me Wanna Die” or Three Days Grace’s “I Hate Everything About You” but I can’t listen to them nonstop all the time or a bunch in a row. You need diversity. When you look at the track listing for their debut album it consists of:
  1.   She Looks So Perfect
  2.  Don’t Stop
  3. Good Girls
  4. Kiss Me Kiss Me
  5. 18
  6. Everything I Didn’t Say
  7. Beside You
  8. End Up Here
  9. Long Way Home
  10. Heartbreak Girl
  11. English Love Affair
  12. Amnesia

As I stated, “She Looks So Perfect” is a good song, I like it, I downloaded it off iTunes, and I listen to it. Are their specific things about this girl that make her seem like it was written about someone or is it vague enough that any fifteen year old girl can pretend it’s about her? I will go for the second one.

“Don’t Stop” is another song about a girl. Like the previous song, nothing appears too specific about this girl except they don’t want her to stop what she’s doing because they like her but why wouldn’t they, all eyes are on her.

“Good Girls” is somewhat different because it mentions things she does like study and may go to Harvard, but then it goes into the not as known but still stereotypical story of how “good girls are just bad girls” and I guess this specific girl is one of those who just doesn’t get caught, but the amount of times the word “girls” or “girl” are in this song and how close they are just makes it feel awkward. “Good girls are bad girls” that just feels like an awkward sentence. I know it’s not in the ten page essay I am turning in for my University of Washington English class at my high school (neither is this blog, so if there are errors here, again, I am not turning this in to my teacher attempting to get a college level A, I am not printing drafts out and butchering them and rewriting, and then butchering and rewriting until I get it perfect), and that it is in a song, it just still feels like such an awkward sentence. It almost bugs me as much as the word (or lack of) “Ain’t.”

“Kiss Me Kiss Me” wow, another awkward sentence, and there appear to be a lot of “oh’s” another thing I can only take so much of is repeated words in some one song and not to mention the lyric “tell the truth/and I’ll show you how to dare” is even more awkward then the “oh’s” feel to me. I know Alex Gaskarth helped write this, I know he is in a band I have been a fan of for four years, but this song  states “kiss me kiss me kiss me.” More repetitive words. (at least it’s not “Tonight, Tonight” which is full of “La La’s” the whole damn song) and again, there is nothing specific about this girl, making this song appeal to fifteen year old girls who can pretend it’s about them. (Which I know is probably the smart thing to do since the song will sell to that demographic)

“18”I have to admit, when I first heard the beginning of this song, I started laughing almost as hard as in the first scene of The Interview. “I’m not saying I want to be Charlie Sheen,” seriously? Later on there is “pictures in my private folder/I know one day that I will hold you/I’ll make my move when I get older” also is just kind of weird. Not awkward but seriously, this song makes me think they are obsessed with some celebrity or something and then it also reminds me of the story my friend told me where he was talking to a girl who he thought was 16 and turned out to be 25. (That was a very awkward moment for him)

“Everything I Didn’t Say” isn’t as bad as the other songs I heard so far on this album, but the opening line did just not feel right at all. It’s not a love song though, which is nice, but it is about wanting a girl back because they regret it or something. Also, more “ohs” but the chorus is actually decent. It doesn’t make me feel like they haven’t taking a writing class and actually know how to put words together without making the listener feel confused and laughing at the way it is worded.
“Beside You” another love song, wow I’m surprised. But I guess this is better than the others, it’s not something I would download and listen to, but I can see that it could have some personal meaning and isn’t directly there to make them money. It appears to be about leaving for tour or something and them missing their girlfriend who doesn’t want them to leave. They want to go home to their girlfriend and be with her but can’t. But again, it’s different and doesn’t appear to be written specifically as a love song with nothing specific about the girl just to sell records.

“End Up Here” does go back to that though. Some chick walks in and is apparently hot and said her name was Trouble (how not cliché) but apparently she has good taste and complemented his Kurt Cobain shirt so she can’t be that bad and now the vocalist is wondering how he could have landed a girl like her because she’s a ten and he’s a six and he’s insecure but she isn’t. Still just feels like another love song designed to sell records and after seeing all four of these boys, not one of them is a six.

“Long Way Home”  why am I not surprised this is another love song about a girl who he may have grown up with or went to school with back home which can make it more specific, which again, is nice. But I also feel that being nine songs in and it’s all songs about a girl makes me want something else. The only redeeming quality about this song is that they were listening to Green Day in the car when they were kissing at a stop light.

“Heartbreak Girl” just looking at the title, I know what it’s going to be about. A girl who broke his heart. How is this not getting old? I am at the point where I want to punch something or someone in their face because it is literally all blending together and are all about girls, but then again, how can I blame them when that is what sells? But I guess this one is a little different because it’s about how he’s friendzoned. At least it’s something different than being in love with a girl while you’re young or upset because it’s over, but also feels too cliché when it comes to being in the friendzone. The girl’s boyfriends a dick and he wants her but she loves the douche canoe she is with so she doesn’t realize the guy she put in the friendzone is the one. Literally like a romance movie or that old Hannah Montana song “If We Were a Movie” (I know this because I had to babysit a girl who was literally obsessed with this song). He wants her, she doesn’t know that she wants him until she finally realizes her dick of a boyfriend is a dick. Was this a storyline on Degrassi or One Tree Hill because it feels that familiar.

“English Love Affair” okay, there is now a really specific thing about the girl. She is from England! But why would they write that? Oh, they opened up for One Direction, a crappy yet extremely famous boyband from England, so they probably have a lot of fans from there, they have narrowed it down from every single girl on earth  to only girls from England, specific I guess, especially something about her being pale and it raining, two things that could be English/British. People are extremely white in England and apparently it rains a lot. This girl could exist though, but still unlikely. It could just be a marketing thing, write a song about an English/British/ whatever the fuck people who live there want to go by and sell a bunch of albums or singles or whatever there. It’s not a bad idea.

“Amnesia” another song about a girl. Do I even want to listen? Just from the title I am guessing he misses her a lot and wishes he could forget her and going into it, I am right and extremely bored and want to listen to something not about a break up. Maybe a good political punk song, I feel like listening to Rise Against’s new album. Maybe some Otep. Anything that doesn’t involve heartbreak would be good at this point.

Apparently according to Wikipedia there are so many bonus track versions in different countries that I just want to cry from exhaustion looking at them so instead I am going to relax and listen to some Rise Against for a while.

Besides that, listening to this, it feels like there is no way this is at all pop punk. It is pop with a tiny edge. It was music written purely to sell to teenage girls who will fall in love with the band members and stalk them on the internet. As the beautiful and talented Taylor Momsen said about this generation’s music industry, “it’s all product, it’s not music anymore.” and that is what this album is, it is a product meant to be sold to teenage girls and gay teenage boys.

Many pop bands didn’t just release love songs or breakup songs or friendzone songs. When Hey Monday was out, they of course had love songs and breakup songs, “How You Love Me Now” being about a cheating boyfriend so “baby tell me how/ how you love me now” and “Candles” was about getting over the douche canoe that likely was the one that cheated on Cassadee in the first place making her write “How You Love Me Now” because she is about to “blow the candles out/looks like a solo tonight/I’m beginning to see the light.” Even with those being the two most popular songs the band has released, they didn’t just write about that. She have “Set Off,” and “Hurricane Streets.” Not about relationships but I guess one can argue that “Set Off” is about a relationship because “you and me/they wanna break us/ let’s shake it up/cause they will never take us” but it makes more sense as being about the band as a whole because “all their fears/watch em’ all come true/ all their words/ a world of hurt/can’t tell us what to do” and “Hurricane Streets” is the same. “the storm is rushing on me/ here’s the blinded flash/ I feel so locked and loaded/ let me out, let me out” turns into “I wake up in a wasteland/ where the trees are crashing fast/make or break or the road explodes/get out, get out of this town.” Not all the songs on their debut album were about relationships or lack of which was very nice.

Crystalyne does the same and if you haven’t heard of them, it is likely you are like me, an American. They are Canadian and appear to based out of Toronto. I heard their songs “Wolves” on the Stars in Stereo station on Pandora and it is not about a romantic relationship, but since it is about human interaction, it could be inferred as one but it would be one person’s interpretation, it isn’t about being in love “I needed you to surround the whole of me/ foolishly waiting for hours and now it’s nearly morning/ the wolves are wearing me down, I’d love to change the fact that/ I need you now, I’m not shutting you out.” It could be, but also be interpreted as a toxic friendship or relationship with a family member, the wolves symbolizing them while they are “watching me, all they want is to cut my breathing/ they’re the cause of my first collapse, this is the aftermath.” Their EP Navigate does have a majority of songs about a relationship, being “Deceiver” “Just Fine,” Never Gonna Look Back” and  “Weapon” but also includes “Wolves” and “Navigate” which is about life and getting out of that hometown.  They had other things besides relationship songs on the EP, which is what any band needs. You need variety.

Now, there is one thing stopping me from hating these guys forever. It is the fact that they have potential. They have a lot of potential. My one friend that is actually a fan of the band has a good theory about them. They are putting out this album, and then going to do some more writing and their next album will be better and maybe more towards the pop punk genre and just needed to use this album to get out there. This would be a good theory, not to mention it showed up on my Tumblr dashboard that they are writing their new album. (I follow user Alltime-fallout-atsix who is a band blog and he sometimes reblogs their stuff so it will show up on my dashboard)

I have heard that the band loves All Time Low and on their channel they covered a few All Time Low songs including Jasey Rae (one of my personal favorites) and A Day To Remember along with Blink 182’s I Miss You (again, an amazing song) and even Teenage Dirtbag but also One Direction and the two artist I hate most in the world besides  Iggy Azalea (or as Azaila Banks called her, Igloo Australia), Justin Bieber (the Canadian pansy who just needs to move back and get out of America) and human scumbag, Chris Brown. But other than that, these four have stated they are inspired by All Time Low along with Mayday Parade (a good band, but a lot of their stuff sounds the same and the only song I know is Miserable At Best) and Boys Like Girls. When it comes to Boys Like Girls, I was a huge fan. A couple years ago I found their album Love Drunk for four bucks at half price books and fell in love. I instantly went online and purchased their first album and damn, “Hero/Heroine” along with “Thunder” are some of my favorite songs (yes, love songs, maybe I am a hypocrite, but that’s not the only songs I like by them) I could really relate to the song “Go.” I went through a horrible time in my life and this song just inspires me to never go back to that dark time. I also love “Broken Man,” “The Great Escape” “Stuck In The Middle” and “Be Your Everything.” Going back to the subject and away from my rambling, if they are inspired by them, All Time Low, Mayday Parade and listen to Nirvana (if you don’t, then don’t wear the shirt, I am from Seattle, we take our Nirvana VERY seriously) along with Green Day and Blink 182, then maybe they will attempt to sound more like them and write songs about life, not just relationships and girls and they could be very successful. They don’t need to act like Taylor Swift and talk nonstop about relationships (at least since they aren’t very specific, they don’t sound like a crazy bitch who is immature enough to literally tell the whole world what happened in her relationship with the specific person they dated and how they screwed her over). These guys went to high school, there is enough shit that happens during those years you could write a whole series of albums.

Besides just being inspired by these bands, they can get their fans into them. I have never been to one of their concerts (and never would, the last thing I want to do is be surrounded by twelve year old girls who think they are going to marry a member and have his babies.) but I hear they covered “American Idiot.” If you know me, not only do I love that song, but that is my favorite album in the entire world. Besides it just being Green Day to me, it is an album that defines a time in the United States. It tells the story of post-9/11 America and the musical does a great job of showing the different perspectives of three guys in that time. This song along with “Holiday” is a big “fuck you” to George W. Bush, the man I hate along with his administration for invading the wrong country which lead to deaths of soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians. (He didn’t have WMD’s, Dubya just wanted to finish what his daddy started in the Gulf War.) I don't feel that these four boys from Australia can really understand the "Redneck Agenda" let alone the "subliminal mind-fuck America" or the propaganda that is Fox News and i know they fully can't understand the age or paranoia that hit America right after that and due to that paranoia we invaded the wrong country. I will not go onto a huge rant on my hatred of Bush and how if Jeb Bush is elected next, I will stop threatening to move to Canada and will just head to Iceland where not only has there been one murder in the past few years, but is a country less than the size of Seattle and is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. The point is, they perform “American Idiot.”

A way they can “save” pop punk is somewhat simple. A kid my age (18) who listens to Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus and One Direction could go to a concert and hear “American Idiot.” They could think “hey, this is a pretty good song” and maybe go home and listen to the song online and then maybe listen to the album. They could love the album, (probably not as much as me, but it is hard to love it as much as me) and start listening to Green Day, maybe it’s their older stuff like Dookie and Nimrod or maybe just 21st Century Breakdown. After that, they could get into other bands in the rock genre or punk genre, maybe they will hear their cover of “I Miss You” and start listening to Blink 182 and get into Blink (although there is currently something going on with them and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on, they could still get into them and their old stuff). They could go from Blink to one of my personal favorites, Sum 41, hear Fat Lip and next thing they know, they are singing it at random times because it’s stuck in their head. They could get into Good Charlotte and there, what do you know, this band who opened for One Direction can help get people back in the genre and maybe (unlikely but maybe) bring the genre back into main stream and instead of listening to Kanye, a kid will want to listen to Green Day.

Well, at least that’s what some people are thinking about.

As much as I hate bands that sing nothing but love songs or break up songs and not songs that have actual meanings (like Weightless, I mean it’s not as deep as the stuff Rise Against writes but at least it’s not about a girl or breakup, it has a nice meaning) I have to say that this band has the potential to do great things. They actually play instruments so they aren’t some new boy band craze and actually play them very well so they have the talent. So maybe they can “save” the genre. Maybe they are doing what my friend said and releasing this album and after getting the solid fan base they will start writing songs with deeper meaning (it may not be Rise Against’s People Live Here but hey, no one really writes about the Israel/Palestine issue) and could end up becoming a band that will help bring attention back to the genre. They could actually help save pop punk and pop punk and punk rock and anything that has to do with rock is something I love, so if this band can help bring it back to the mainstream, then I will be forever thankful.