Friday, July 10, 2015

Not Heritage, Just Hate

I was born and raised in the North. I am a Seattleite and Washingtonian through and through. I have only been to Orlando, Florida when it comes to the South.

With that being said, I was raised in an area that never had a confederate flag and was only seen in History books. With it being in history books, I knew what it meant. It was the flag adopted by the confederacy in the civil war. The Civil War was fought when the Southern States committed a mass act of treason by seceding from the union when Abraham Lincoln was elected, many due to the fact that they were afraid Lincoln was going to abolish slavery. The War was fought to bring the union back together.

The confederate flag has nothing to do with rebellion unless you want to consider the treasonous act of succession rebellion and in that way, being proud of that heritage is nothing to be proud of.
According to, when it comes to the states of Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, and Mississippi, slavery was definitely a reason to succeed. For all states but South Carolina, it is listed overwhelmingly as the reason to succeed. Lincoln’s election is also listed but not as much and state’s rights is only decent percentage in South Carolina. Reasons stated are that the North was reluctant to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, Texas expressed dissatisfaction with federal military protection and Georgia accused the Northern manufacturing interests of exploiting the south and dominating the federal government.

It is time to end the myth that this war was started and fought for state’s rights when in reality, it was because people didn’t want slavery to end. They didn’t want to stop owning people and treating them worse than the dirt under their shoes. There is nothing to be proud of when it comes to the confederacy. They committed and act of treason and fought to keep human beings enslaved. There is no pride in that. If you are proud of that being your heritage, then you have issues. I have a lot of German heritage when I dig back enough. There is no doubt in my mind that I have relatives that were Nazi’s. That would be my heritage. You don’t me going around with a fucking swastika saying “it’s my heritage, not hate!” when the only thing the swastika represents in the west is Nazi Germany and all the Jews, gypsy’s, handicapped and gays that were murdered by Hitler’s regime. If I want to be proud of my German heritage, then I shouldn’t be proud of one of the most heinous acts in modern history. I should be proud of great things that came from Germany like gummy bears, great beer, or pretzels. Not the genocide of innocent human beings and everything that happened because of Hitler.

If you want to be proud of being from the South, then that’s great. It’s where you are from. I sure am proud and love the region I call home. Since Starbucks, Nirvana and Chris Pratt are from Seattle (Chris Pratt is actually from the same suburb North of Seattle that I am from) I usually use those as symbols of my love for the Puget Sound. Be proud of the good things that have happened in your area. Why use a flag that stands for treason and the enslavement of innocent people when you could be proud of corn bread, all the food that apparently can be fried and your sweet tea. Literally anything that does not have to do with slavery, even if it is country music that you are proud of. You guys gave us Aziz Ansari, Jennifer Lawrence, Ellen DeGeneres and the flawless Stephen Colbert. Be proud of that, not the enslavement of a race.   

Germany does not glorify the Nazi era. Swastika’s along with other Nazi era stuff is illegal in Germany. I am not saying outlaw the Confederate flag even with as much as I hate it. But know that Germany sees Nazism and everything that happened as a dark time in history and are ashamed of it. It lead to genocide. Slavery may not have been genocide, but it was horrific enough to be known as a tragedy and one of the worst in the United States history. Don’t be proud of an era where people owned human beings. Don’t be proud of a flag that represents that. It’s awful.

And for those of you who claim that as history, it shouldn’t be removed from the capital, you need to understand that it wasn’t always there after the war. After the Confederacy surrendered, they folded up the flags and they were put away.  It made its comeback when the civil rights movement started and when people were rebelling against the president in 1948. 1958, the year my father was born, it was made a crime in South Carolina to desecrate the confederate flag. In 1961 on the 100 year anniversary of For Sumter it was hoisted above the capitol. Not only this, but it made its comeback during the civil rights movement to protest integration and black Americans gaining the exact same rights as white Americans.

Did you know that in Europe in places where the swastika is illegal, the confederate flag is flown instead? That is because it has this evil history to it. A history of slavery and treason. There is nothing to be proud of when it comes to that.

I am not saying it should be outlawed like the Swastika. I do believe in free speech, but that flag should not be on government property. It’s great they took it down in South Carolina. I personally don’t think anyone should have it at all but free speech exists. Just understand that when you are flying that flag, it doesn’t represent “southern pride,” or “heritage not hate” it is representing treason and the enslavement of an entire race, and if you are proud of that, then fuck you, you are what’s wrong with this country and why I am moving to Iceland.

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