I always knew there was something wrong with that family. No
one acts that perfect when they aren’t trying to hide something. But I never
thought it was this bad.
As much as I can’t stand the Duggar family and see them as
annoying hypocrites who are one of the many reasons we can’t have good things
such as LGBT equality and just the acceptance of people despite their
differences, I would never wish for this to happen to that family or any
family. I am not talking about having a child molester for a son, (although I
wouldn’t wish that upon anyone either) but I am talking about having your own
children sexually violated, especially at a young age. This is just sad, but it
gets ever worse.
If you know me, I hate two kinds of criminals the most,
Molesters/Rapists and terrorists. I think they are the scum of the earth and
deserve punishment. (Terrorists if not lone wolves with the death penalty).
Josh Duggar fits into the first category. He molested five girls at age 14 and
some were significantly younger than him and most were his own sisters. Yes.
Josh Duggar, Mr. Conservative Christian who hates the LGBT Community,
pre-marital sex, and women’s right to choose molested his own sisters. He acts
all high and mighty when being against the LGBT community and hating them when
he did something way worse. All a gay couple did was love each other, that
hurts no one. Josh Duggar did hurt someone. He hurt five young girls. How is
that anywhere near okay? Reports say his father did turn him in, but that was
after a year of knowing and after they sent him to a treatment program. They
didn’t sent him to a treatment program, they sent him to a family friend to
help renovate homes for a few months. As someone who is interested in
psychology and how the human mind works, does research and does happen to watch
Criminal Minds at least twice a week knows that that is not counseling. I also
know it is not exactly something someone just decides to do, it has to do with
the way their brain is wired, but that never makes it okay and it is never an
excuse since they do have the choice whether to follow the way their brains are
wired. It is a fact that “some pedophiles will suffer through their lives
without hurting a single child.[1]”
But the thing that I am trying to get at is that simply sending Josh Duggar to
do house renovation for a few months is not going to “cure” him and neither is
praying. If they took him to an actual therapist that specialized in helping
with those urges, he could have gotten help. It definitely would have taken
longer than a few months and would have been hard, but it could have helped.
Instead, his parents lied when saying that they sent him and his victims to counseling
when they didn’t.
The hypocrisy of this family irks me almost as much as the
fact that they didn’t get their son the help he needs and put his needs over
his victims. This is a family that makes a living off of preaching Jesus and
putting down everyone who doesn’t believe their bigoted belief system. Josh
made a living speaking against gay marriage and gay adoption saying that is
damaging to children when in reality, it doesn’t and what he did is what
actually hurt children. His mother called transgender people predators when in
reality her son is predator who hurt her children. HER CHILDREN! Any mother
would do anything to protect her children and do what it takes to keep them
safe from a predator but she didn’t. She sent him away to renovate homes and
didn’t send him to the counseling he would need. They are acting like praying
to God fixes everything and made everything better. She claims her son made a
mistake, but a mistake is when I put a shirt back on the wrong rack at work,
what he did was a crime and they are not treating him like someone who commited
one. People are acting like this is something that can easily be forgiven and
hasn’t hurt people, yet they hate LGBT individuals and act rudely towards
people that don’t follow their beliefs. This family, including Josh act like
they are the perfect Christians when they have done something very unchristian
like. People like Mike Huckabee are supporting Josh Duggar since Josh confessed
to it. He and other conservatives are willing to forgive a child molester who
molested his own sisters since he confessed yet they still continue not to see
the LGBT community as non-predators when they haven’t hurt anyone.
What makes this worse is that along with putting Josh first is
the fact that the daughters weren’t given the proper treatment, is the fact
that they used victim blaming. It was released online what chart Michelle uses
in her homeschooling when it comes to sexual abuse. One of the things is “Why
did God let this happen” and four options given are immoral dress, indecent
exposure, being out from protection of parents and being with evil friends. The
ages of the victims ranged from 4-12. No child that age or anyone in general is
responsible for getting sexually assaulted. It is the person who does it who is
to blame. There is even a section saying “if abused was not at fault.” This is only
helping rape culture with the victim blaming, but anyone who says a child is
responsible for being abused is someone who has no business raising children,
being around children or being in a position or responsibility and power, let
alone be a public figure with influence.
This whole thing is just awful. Not just the molestation but
how it was handled. How the parents knew and said they would discipline him
themselves but didn’t, the girls never got the proper help needed when having
to deal with molestation, it went on for years and church elders apparently
knew and when the police were going to do an investigation they lawyered up and
then the statute of limitations expired. His wife knew and now they have one
daughter and another child on the way potentially putting her in danger since
once a molester, always a molester.
This family has the nerve to say gay marriage is America’s
greatest threat when Josh molested children. It just shows that this life they
live is not only hypocritical but damaging. This family deserves for their show
to be yanked and for their fame to go away. You don’t get to act perfect,
condemn others for just being who they are when they didn’t hurt anyone, and
then do something a hundred times more awful then everything you denounce and
Josh Duggar and the rest of the family needs to crash and
burn and never recover. Their time of fame and “preaching” needs to end and people
who are decent human beings need to take their place in the media. Stop writing
about them, write about great people that the world needs more people like.
Bill Nye or Neil deGrasse Tyson are amazing, smart human beings and the world
needs more people like them. Focus on them and their endeavors to teach the
world science. Focus on the two girls I look up to most in the world, Nadya
Tolokonnikova and Masha Alyokhina of Pussy Riot. Those two girls stood up to
Vladimir Putin and are still fighting for prisoners’ rights after they were
mistreated in prison. They are out there speaking out and being amazing human
beings who are not letting Putin’s sentencing them to hooliganism stop them. Make
these human beings and people like them more famous and stop it with the
anti-gay hypocrites whose son molested his own sisters and the family tried to
cover it from the media and didn’t help their own daughters and instead worried
about their son instead.
[1] http://gawker.com/5941037/born-this-way-sympathy-and-science-for-those-who--want-to-have-sex-with-children