Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Another Thing About The Twitter Incident

Now that this is mostly over and has calmed down, I would like to address this a little better with some new stuff.

I am absolutely owning up to what I tweeted, but I will say in twitter, you cannot fully say what you mean because of the character limit. The song I do not like, the person, I don’t know at all so how can I hate her if I don’t know her personally or have at least seen her/heard about her doing terrible things. I absolutely do not hate RaeLynn or Blake. They are both obviously talented since they got to where they are today. I am a musically challenged individual, I cannot sing, I can only play one song on the guitar and when I play the drums, it isn’t as pretty as I would like it to be.

This whole thing has also brought something to my attention that is just annoying. Being an atheist does not make me a terrible human being, and neither does liking tattoos and piercings. I am a science based person. I have to have evidence in order to make an opinion and change my mind on something. I was born into a Christian family; my father is religious but also believes in science and is a very smart human being. He just has a hard time believing how there isn’t a god and believes maybe he started the big bang. My mother was not a religious person and isn’t currently. She believes in a higher power, but not so much the typical god and my brother is a firm atheist and believer in science and evolution. I was first an agnostic before becoming a full on atheist, because you can’t just deny science.

Atheists have morals; we just don’t need a book to tell us how to be good people. To me, it is common sense and human rights. I absolutely LOVE the Constitution and Universal Declaration Of Human Rights. Those documents are amazing, but I don’t base everything off them, I base how laws should be off them. As a human, to me, morals are common sense and don’t need a god telling me how to think and feel and treat people.

I understand how some people want to believe in an afterlife and a heaven. I would love for there to be an afterlife. I think it would be awesome, but I don’t see any evidence supporting it. If there is evidence, I would change my mind.

What I don’t get, but sort of do is the personal attacks. Some people have called me ugly, one said I was a cow slut, one even inferred I was fat. I get you are defending your idol or person you love who’s music enjoy, but personal attacks like that are not only petty jabs, but they don’t get anyone anywhere.
I also don’t feel better attacking someone on twitter. I just wanted to get my opinion out about a song. Out of the thousands of tweets Blake Shelton gets, I am actually still in shock he saw mine. I don’t sit behind a computer screen and attack people online. I may make an entry to my blog about how I don’t agree with something or about my opinion on something, but I don’t say someone (unless you are the gross pedophile that is Dahvie Vanity) is stupid and say awful things about them, (okay, maybe Justin Bieber too)

Someone noticed a tweet of mine about the Kim Kardashian Game. I do play it, but not because I love Kim Kardashian and want to be famous, but because I am going to write a blog entry about the differences between it, Stardom and how bad they are for young girls with developing minds by teaching us how to be famous. (tip: buying new clothes will get you noticed, dating celebrities will get you more fans)

I would also like to say that sometimes I do enjoy confrontation and sometimes like to argue (which is why my parents keep telling me I should be a lawyer, not a scientist.) and, if I am offended, I tend to argue back, especially when it comes to people talking about how I need religion and they will pray for me. I get angry because religion has been a poison to me and I believe it can poison too many things. I turned away from religion and found it very freeing. Also if you just say something stupid to me and is a petty jab, I probably will respond sarcastically about how mature you are. What really bugs me is that not all were teenage girls which is expected, but some were grown adults, a few were even grown men. He called me a cow slut and said I have daddy issues. I still don’t fully understand exactly what a cow slut is, but I think it may have something to do with bestiality, something I DO NOT agree with or support in any way. Either way, I actually am worried for the GROWN adults that sent me mean tweets, they are grown adults, they shouldn’t be responding in a way that calls me a “cow slut,” “bitch” and telling me to find God along with other stuff that is just not even tasteful at all.

I am only human. I tweeted my opinion, I should have hashtagged not tagged. I own up to it.
So anyway, have a good day and as Spock would say:

Live Long and Prosper.  

Yay Twitter!

My phone is currently blowing up with tweet notifications. It does hurt a tad. I will say that, but I am not crying over it at all. I am not reacting in a way that is negative, instead I am trying to do this in a positive way.

I am sick of music that is sexist in any sense, whether it be my favorite genre of rock or my least favorite of rap. I don’t like music that really portrays anyone in a bad way (unless they deserve it because they killed someone, hurt someone, raped someone, ETC.) all the music I listen to is usually positive, there are the few that may not be fully positive, like one Eminem song (I know, rap, but my brother got me into him and his music a while ago, I only listen to a select few songs if any). I like music that either tells a story or has a positive message, or is just telling the truth about a fucked up situation. (Pretty much the whole Green Day album “American Idiot” and the story it tells in the album itself or the musical) I personally don’t think it’s healthy for young girls to think that they have to dress a certain way or anything to just get noticed. I believe I have something more to offer then my body and the stereotype of women in today’s society.
I see how the tweet would have looked like a direct attack on Blake and RaeLynn. I probably should have worded it way better. I believe both are talented in their genre of music. RaeLynn does have a beautiful voice, one I definitely don’t have or ever could. It’s just the song that I don’t like, not only because of the things girls are stereotyped to be, but because I am a strict atheist and don’t believe in any deity, whether it is the Christian god or any other religions. I was not made by a all magical being. i, along with everyone else on this earth are here because of evolution.

I really see how this did go downhill, maybe I should have hashtagged instead of totally tagged the artists, (again, both are talented, it’s the song I do not like). If you think I am totally anti-Blake then you don’t know me very well, when I used to watch the voice, I was team Blake (mostly because I was a huge Hey Monday fan so Cassadee was amazing to see on there, and yes, I do own her country album!). I don’t listen to that genre unless it really is Cassadee, I like music with heavy guitars and drums that is loud and in your face or even just pop punk. I am currently obsessed with Flyleaf, Icon For Hire, Butcher Babies, Good Charlotte, Blink 182, Green Day, and Sum 41.

I understand Blake’s response. I think it is honorable he defended his former or if still current mentee (not sure how that works, only really watched two and a half seasons of The Voice, rooting for Cassadee, Terry McDermott, Michelle Chamuel, and Kat Robichaud. I get he responded the way he did, although I do believe telling someone to eat their boogers, assuming because I don’t like this song and think it is bullshit a tad harsh. I don’t do that, and instead am curled up drinking hot chocolate and watching an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation (Picard may be no Kirk, but still, Star Trek is Star Trek)

I am sorry again, if I offended anyone, again, it is the song, not the person performing it I do not like. Again, RaeLynn does have a pretty voice, something that I could never have.

Now to respond to some of the tweets I am getting.

I am not searching for my fifteen seconds of fame like someone suggested, if you actually know me as a human being, you know I keep to myself a lot and try not to be out there and be heard if It’s not something I am passionate about. I honestly didn’t think Blake would see the tweet let alone respond to it. I have tweeted many people many times, like Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low),  Stephen Colbert (one of my personal hero’s) the gross Dahvie Vanity of Blood On The Dance Floor (who usually does respond to criticism)  Emily Miller (someone from Fox News), William Shatner, Lana Del Rey, Bill O’Reilly and a bunch of other musicians who’s music I enjoy. So honestly, not getting a response was something I was expecting since it never really has happened before with someone as famous as Blake Shelton, so I honestly believed it would go into the many, many messages Blake gets hourly from fans and other people.
Someone mentioned that I wouldn’t look good in a flowy skirt. Directly attacking my body is also something no one should do about anyone. It is kid of tacky. So thank you for pointing out the thunder thighs I was highly aware that I have.

Also, To Whom It May Concern, my username is a reference to a song. Miss Nothing by the Pretty Reckless, a kick ass rock band fronted by Taylor Momsen.
Saying something about my hair is also a petty jab like how I can’t rock a flowy skirt. I dye it half red and half black. It is inspired by the kickass Ash Costello of band New Years Day.

I would also say I am not wasting my life away like one said, I am going into my senior year, after that I will be going to college to study either biology or Earth Science, I plan on getting a Ph.D and have a fulfilling life!
I again, would like to say I honestly didn’t mean to attack them if that is how some of you are wording it, it is my opinion, on my twitter account that not a lot of people follow. Sorry.

Have a good day. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Yes, I Still Hate Blood On The Dance Floor

This is very old news, but again, people still wonder how I can hate the “band” Blood on the Dance Floor. They claim that they have good meaningful music and music videos like “Rise and Shine” show a huge issue in today’s society. I have seen that video and think the exact opposite. “Rise and Shine” is about a school shooting, but it isn’t awareness, and I will tell you why by comparing it to the music video that takes an issue and shows it gets better. Both involve bullying, one is “Rise and Shine” by crappy BOTDF, and another is “Make It Stop (September’s Children)” by one of my personal favorite bands, Rise Against.

In “Rise and Shine,” what we see is a severely bullied kid. People make fun of him. But there is also hints of the band in the video like someone writing “Blood on the Dance Floor” in their notebook in the beginning, which I guess is okay for the beginning. In this video we see him taunted in class and a teacher doing nothing. Of course Dahvie is in the class wearing his hideous makeup that makes him look like a Kiss reject. The kid is continued to be taunted in the hallways. By now Dahvie is singing in front of the class, but a lyric kind of bothers me. “beat on another kid, not on me.” I get if you are bullied, you want it to stop and are willing to let it go to someone else, but that is no solution to the problem or a solution anyone should look for. By now there are bloody handprints everywhere, and the kid is in the hallway with a gun, obviously disturbed. (What is also obvious is Dahvie’s auto tuned voice). News flashes of Fox News are then shown about school shootings. (Seriously, if you want someone to take you seriously, do a news network that isn’t truthful only 8% of the time) the bullied kid then starts shooting, we see all the kids around him dead and bleeding, not to mention the blood spatter on the camera. Then parents wondering where they were and a teacher saying no one is listening. Next, kids are seen putting guns to their own heads, one goes as far as putting it in his mouth, and the teacher writes “I will not listen to blood on the dance floor” on the board. Then the bullied kid wakes up, and puts the gun away. There is no solution shown but the kid putting the gun in his backpack. None. Then just a bunch of statistics are rattled off about bullying in America, but no actual solution is offered. The kid will probably still shoot up the school.

Rise Against has a lot of music videos that show actual problems in the world, my personal favorite being "Hero of War" and their newest "I Don’t Want To Be Here Anymore."  The one about bullying is called Make It Stop (September’s Children). It is in memory of the ten teenagers who committed suicide in September of 2010 because they were bullied for being gay.

The video starts out with showing three teenagers, two boys and a girl who are inferred to be gay based on the subject matter of the video. The teenagers are seen harassed by their peers, one’s bag is stolen, one’s lunch is spit on and one is cornered in the bathroom while two jocks hold him down and a girl kisses him. The teens later flee, one to a bridge, one to a garage, and another to her room. The three contemplate killing themselves because of the harassment they face daily. After It Gets Better videos play and lead vocalist Tim McIlrath names off five of the teens that killed themselves, they then decide against it and their future is shown, one becomes a congressman, another an artist, and another finds love and gets married. It may look like there is no solution, but the lyrics of the song talk about holding on and bring awareness to the issue. The final verse is make it stop/let this end/all these years pushed to the edge /proud I stand/of who I am/I plan to go on living. More videos from the It Gets Better project are shown, along with the project creator. This video paints a bright future for these three teens and everyone because it does get better.

In comparing these videos, we have two that show a problem, one that portrays it well, and one that shows how it gets better. I can best compare this with Starbucks and Walmart. Rise Against is Starbucks and BOTDF is Walmart. One attempt at being a good corporation (Walmart) and fails miserably while one does an awesome job (Starbucks).

Making another point, Rise Against does an amazing job at just showing issues in today’s society and have truly meaningful lyrics. They have shown how broken the government is, they have shown how broken society is, they have shown what it’s like to serve in the military (yes, “Hero of War,” and I understand it is not always like that, but we have gone to a foreign country and invaded them when we shouldn’t have just because our stupid president wanted to finish what his father started), they have shown what really goes on in the world, the problems we have such as school shootings, violence, terrorists like al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Boko Haram. Their videos have shown what goes on overseas with the video “Hero of War,” in “Ready To Fall,” we see the effects of pollution on the environment, in “Prayer for the Refugee” it brings awareness to sweatshops and young kids making things along with foreigners that are then marked “Made in USA.” The video for “Audience of One” takes a huge jab at George W. Bush and shows a video depicting a young George W. Bush playing with a miniature world and plays with objects depicting high gas prices, the war in Iraq, the funeral of a soldier, Abu Ghraib prison, the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, deforeststation, house foreclosures, gay marriage, and illegal immigration (all things that happened when he was president ) and then Bush goes to bed in the White House before he smashes the miniature White House lawn the band is performing on. In the odd video for “Savior” it shows how the Republican Party does not give a fuck about endangered species. In “Help Is on The Way,” it shows how bad the response to Hurricane Katrina was and people suffering and having to escape to the roofs of their homes and wait for the helicopter. In their latest video, “I Don’t Want To be Here Anymore” it shows the violence in Chicago (the bands hometown which is apparently becoming the new Detroit), it shows statistics (but unlike BOTDF’s statistic, this is during the video and shows actual footage, and none of it is Fox News) there are 1,800 shootings per year in Chicago (which averages out to 4.9 a day), footage is shown on the drug war and that 120,000 have died in it, the evilness of Boko Haram and that 12,000 people have been killed so far by them, 30,000 elephants are killed every year and poached ivory funds terrorist networks (TAKE THAT KENDALL JONES) elephants are due to be extinct now in 11 years (so thank you Kendall for contributing the extinction of a species that is endangered, so please, go fuck yourself), there has been 1,083 assassinations by ISIS last year and now major Iraqi cities are falling back under extremist control, a video of Obama saying we are now out of Iraq is shown, but then headlines showing we are now going back to help Iraq get control of their country, showing that there is averaged of one school shootings in the Unites States every five weeks, 5,000 youths are lost to violence every year in the U.S, the militia in Iraq is now more than 50,000 strong, 51 million have displaced by conflict worldwide (half of who are children) , 2,000 children are reporting missing every day, hundred have been abducted by Boko Haram since 2009 and since it is so devastating to parents of these children, they are starting to become vigilantes so they can protect them and then a final statistic of the world has only been at peace for 8% of recorded existence. Rise Against won’t give up on trying to make this world a better place, especially with showing what is going on out there. They care and show it.

Next time someone tells me or you that Blood on the Dance Floor is trying to make a difference and help people, please do them a favor and point them in the way of Rise Against. Show them what a band that is trying to make a difference looks like and what they really do. Show them that Tim McIlrath, Joe Principe, Brandon Barnes, and Zach Blair are doing to make this world a better place, not some cliché music video BOTDF made that shows a problem with no solution where the kid is probably going to shoot up the school anyway.

“Revolution begins at learning. If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention” –Tim McIlrath