Sunday, November 4, 2012

Why I Would Vote For Obama

The 2012 election is coming up fast and the race is super close. For once in my life, I actually fear learning the outcome. I can’t imagine a country ran by republican Mitt Romney. Not only is he a flip-flopping hypocritical jackwagon, he just is too rich to know lower class and middle class problem. Sadly, I am only fifteen and I cannot vote in this election, but if I could, I would vote for Democrat Barack Obama.

                I would vote for Obama for many reasons. One being his support for LGBT rights and getting rid of DOMA and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Because of that, one of my closest friends, Maia is now able to get married and join the military if she wants to. Mitt Romney plans on amending the constitution banning same sex marriage and getting rid of her right to marry or even be in a civil union or domestic partnership and I am not sure if he has stated he wants to bring back Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, but I according to his beliefs on what he has said so far, I am pretty sure he would bring it back, which a lot of republican’s tried to block it when Obama wanted to get rid of it.

                President Obama is ok with abortion. I am not a huge fan of abortion when it comes to someone who uses that as their birth control and continues to get them more than once. If there is a way the baby can have a good life, I think you should try to carry the baby to term but it’s not up to me to enforce that or advocate for that when it is truly a woman’s choice. I also think that if it was rape or incest (which pregnancy can happen as a result of that unlike what Republican douche Todd Akin says about that “legitimate rape” crap and this is what Romney keeps flipping on) I support the woman’s right to choose even more because of that and I also really support it if the woman’s life is in danger. Unlike a lot of Republican/conservatives, I don’t see rape and “another form of conception.” And I don’t think the government should tell you what to do with your body. Vice President Joe Biden doesn’t really believe in abortion due to his religion, but he doesn’t think that gives him the right to force his beliefs on others while douche bag Paul Ryan does and has stated he is prolife because of a personal and religious view and is the one that stated “rape is just another form of conception,” he supports legitimate rape, and thinks that a rapist has the right to visit and see the child he fathered while violating an innocent woman.

                Romney has practically already declared war on Iran when we don’t even have substantial proof they have nuclear weapons. Experts even say that they don’t and are not “four years closer” to getting a nuclear weapon. I agree with Obama when he states that war should be a last resort while Romney is all fine and dandy with starting another war and sending out more soldiers just to die on the front line for a war that we shouldn’t even be fighting. I hate war with a burning passion but understand that we do have to go to war to help keep our country safe and help others, but if it is pointless and just making us even more enemies with a country who we have no proof is even doing the things we are accusing them of, then I am against it. I am actually watching to movie Saving Private Ryan (good movie, I recommend it because it has Matt Damon in it and I love Matt Damon, but it isn’t for people who can’t watch bloody shootouts and many deaths in a scene that lasts over ten minutes long) as I write this and it just makes me angrier that he is ok with war and even supported the Iraq one and just seems all fine and dandy with it.

                Romney is not even ok with women making the same salary as men even if we are working the same job. Hello? Just because I have boobs and don’t have a dick, doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t make as much money as a man if we have the exact same job position for the same company. I am an equal and deserve to be treated as one. I deserve the same salary and same benefits. Luckily, in Washington State, it is illegal for a man to make more money than a women when they have the exact same job position, but I am planning on going to Montana later in life and I don’t know if it is illegal there for a man to make more than a woman but with Montana being a mostly conservative republican state, one would think it is likely that law isn’t there and it is legal for men to make more than women. Honestly, if feels like it’s the women’s rights movement again back in the nineteen twenties and that time. Yes, we can vote and have rights, but I think that I should have the right to make the same amount of money as a man while Romney doesn’t think that and even some hard core republicans and conservatives believe that women aren’t “smart enough” to vote. And guess who said that. A woman! Yes, a woman said that some women weren’t smart enough to vote.

                As a human being, I believe everyone has the right to be healthy, even if they are born with a pre-existing medical condition. Romney will deny them healthcare, not only does that go against my morals and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but it honestly makes him the main character in the six Saw movie. Yes people, I am comparing Mitt Romney to a character in a Saw movie. The six one is my favorite because I believe the guy who went through the trap sort of deserved it because of how many people he let die. To catch you all up, a man who runs an insurance agency goes out of his way to make sure people are not covered so he makes more money. He denied Jigsaw money and treatment for his cancer so Jigsaw hated him and it is also shown a man who was denied health insurance for heart disease because when he was very young, probably my age actually when he had oral surgery which he neglected to tell him so he wouldn’t cover him because oral surgery can somehow lead to heart disease. So yes, I am comparing Romney to that man because of his beliefs on health insurance and how not everyone has the right to have it affordable and be healthy. Oh no! You say I am wrong and Romney wants that and his plan does have it affordable? Well, no sir or ignorant child that lives down the street from me whose family’s political signs just got stolen and is part of the stupid tea party which is one of the many things that is wrong with this country, are wrong considering Romney’s plan doesn’t. He doesn’t give a damn about people who are low income; he even refers to them as the poor. If I was a poor person, I would prefer to be called low income instead of poor during presidential debates, it would make me feel better about myself. Oh and by the way ignorant little boy, Fox “News” isn’t real news. It is actually banned in Canada for that very reason. Go Canadians!

                Last but not least, the economy. That is a tricky subject for me since I am just fifteen and don’t quite understand everything about the economy and the deficit and stuff like that, but dude, you ant just expect Obama to fix everything in four years after George W. Bush took eight years to kill it. And your precious little “Mittens” claims he can fix it in 8-10 years. So don’t have a bitch attack on Obama because he didn’t fix it in four ignorant boy down the street. Also, Romney doesn’t give any detail on how he will fix. And don’t give me the “what the hell are you talking about crazy Obama lover, he has this five point plan.” He won’t freaking elaborate on it! So please understand that Mittens doesn’t want to help us. If he did, he wouldn’t lie all the time, and wouldn’t be shipping American jobs overseas to China so he can be richer.

                So to end a very angry blog entry on why I would vote for Obama, I will recap the reasons, he is for LGBT Rights, Woman’s Rights to fair pair and to choose, doesn’t want to go to war with Iran, and believes that everyone has the right to be healthy. Not to mention the things he has done in the past three, almost four years he has been in office, such as ending the war in Iraq, bailed out Detroit, lowered job loss, fought for clean air and not to mention, OSAMA BIN LADIN IS DEAD! (YAY FOR JUSTICE AGAINST TERRORISTS) This is all thanks to Obama who definitely deserves a second term and should beat Mittens in the election on Tuesday.